Friday, December 11, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

This year I spent Thanksgiving at my friend Jennifer's house. I helped her make our first pumpkin pies and I made my sweet potatoes. A few co-workers joined us for the delicious meal as well. It was nice to have a fun and relaxing Thanksgiving dinner with my Navy family and my dog, Twinkie.

Blue Angels Homecoming Show

There's nothing like the rushing sound of the Blue Angels flying through the sky above you. At their last airshow of the year, the Blue Angels didn't fail to impress me with their acrobatic tricks and stunts. They are truly talented and make me feel proud to be a part of the Blue Team!
People came from all over the country to see the show, so parking was disasterous. Fat Albert did a few stunts as well, unfortunately I didn't get many pictures of it.